Tuesday, April 14, 2009

“Don’t hate the player hate the game”

Ever wonder why our perceptions about people their deeds and actions make us opinioned about them..opinions which don’t take time turning into a perception and gradually we start believing that it is for real. How many times do we think that we are holding a brutal ego evolving ourselves to be egoistic in our approach to relationships close to our heart? An approach which breaks those tender hooks which binds us together in beautiful relationships as individuals, we tend to ignore THEM who were in the past our lifelines. In most of the instances when people tell me Perception is reality…I disagree ‘coz I believe it’s the big daddy Super Ego which has crucified our sense of thinking, behaving and conditioning to a situation..no wonder Ego in our interpersonal transactions blankets our approach towards other beings and life in general morphing a perception which is really not us. An interpersonal interaction minus ego would give a different perception as compared to one with ego serving royally. So how can we say that perception is a reality when it is engulfed with fine prints of EGO, it’s the EGO which is the culprit. It is not the small player Perception but the big game called EGO.As a mature human being (read soul) what is expected out of us is that we must relinquish control. We should shrink our ego and concentrate on our altruism, a feat difficult in present world but certainly not impossible. Who likes to be called egoistic, who wants to be known as snob, you may portray a picture but your true conscious may mirror an altogether different…could be your flamboyant lifestyle which is pleasing to many and abrasive to many concerned.
But all ego’s are not bad… ever heard of a term “Positive ego”…(trust me I have not coined it). It’s about that fire which you need in whatever work we do. It is all about that balance in life. It is about being simple and egoistic and not simple or egoistic. Extremism is never good, you tend to get exploited or made an outcast.As they rightly say personas evolve and get crafted with experiences of life, patches of life display footprints of your interactions with life and viola.. you would be able to nurture a new self in urself ..atleast kick start the initial crafting to become somebody…somebody great and admired by all.
"It is difficult to be simple" and "One who has mastered that art is the real winner"

By - Vikram Singh Bhatia

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